Your Feedback is Important to us.

1. Have you ever attended any of Sandy’s groups?

If yes please select your club/clubs below:

1.1 Did you enjoy taking part in the group?

1.2 Please select 3 words that best describe how taking part in the group made you feel

1.3 Did you learn or improve any Skills by taking part in the group? (e.g. cooking/baking, sewing, crafts, gardening)

1.4 Did taking part in the group improve your confidence?

1.5 Did coming to the group help you to make new FRIENDS and meet new PEOPLE or allow you to do SOMETHING NEW and different with people your already know?

1.6 How did you find out about Sandy’s

If you have chosen Other, please give a short description of how you did find out about us.

2. If you do not come to any groups at Sandy’s, why not? Please select from below.

3. What do you think there is a lack of in our community?.

If yes; please tell us your suggestions below.

4. What else would you like to see happening at Sandy’s?

5. Would you be interested in volunteering in any of our groups?

If yes, which group/groups are you interested in?

6. Finish this sentence: The best thing about Sandy’s is:

Please provide below your name and email.

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